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Effortless Fundraising

Tompkins High School PTSA is now participating in Kroger Community Rewards. This “effortless fundraiser” means that money will be donated to the PTSA at no additional expense to you, when you shop at Kroger. Here’s step by step instructions:

CREATE A DIGITAL ACCOUNT. A digital account is needed to participate in Kroger Community Rewards.

LINK YOUR CARD TO TOMPKINS HS PTSA. Selecting Tompkins High School PTSA is as simple as updating the Kroger Community Rewards selection on your digital account. 1. Sign in to your digital account, through the Kroger App or online at 2. Enter the NPO # YR981 or Tompkins High School PTSA in the search box. 3. Select Tompkins High School PTSA from the list and click “Save”. Thank you for supporting Tompkins High School PTSA.

For additional questions regarding this program please visit: KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS or contact Amy at

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